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GAS Station

GAS Station (Games and Art Stratford) is a space dedicated to projects, ideas, and conversations at the intersection of games, performing arts, and technology. GAS supports early-stage projects in London with space, equipment, and mentorship, fostering partnerships and exchanges among professionals ... Read More

Virada Cultural

Exhibition during Virada Cultural at Sesc Belenzinho (São Paulo, Brazil), May 2017. Virada Cultural is an annual event promoted by the São Paulo municipal government since 2005. With the support of various artistic and institutional partners, it aims to provide 24 continuous... Read More

Janelas Digitais

The Janelas Digitais exhibition was at Coletivo Digital São Paulo (Brazil) from April to June 2017. The text below is by Thiago Esperandio, curator of Coletivo Digital. Janelas Digitais (Jandig), conceived by VJ Pixel There is much... Read More


The International Free Software Forum - FISL - took place annually from 2000 to 2018 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. FISL is considered one of the world's most significant open-source events, providing integrated technical, political, and social discussions about free software. In July 2012, the event host... Read More